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French Bulldogs have been bred to be small and have a flatter face than other dogs. They have an incredible nature and we all love them. As with many other dogs, they do have some health concerns and there are some difficulties and downsides to owning one. This includes shedding, French Bulldogs shed less than many other animals, but they do shed year round.
Shedding in French Bulldogs
With their short hair, many expect that the breed does not shed, or that it would be a light shed of some fur a couple times a year. Rather, they shed during every season, and their coat needs to be brushed and cared for to reduce the hair around the home. Proper care can reduce the way that their shedding affects the people around them, but they will continue to shed. This can be a problem for those who are allergic.
Allergies and French Bulldogs
Dog allergies are fairly common, and there are a few things that can trigger an allergic reaction. People may be allergic to the saliva of a dog, which will cause a reaction when they are bitten or licked. They may be allergic to the fur of the animal, or to the dander itself. Hypoallergenic dogs are less likely to cause a reaction in people, but they can still create an allergic response in some. For those who are allergic to the hair it is necessary to avoid the hair of the animal as much as possible and to keep hair free spaces for sleeping, cooking, and other activities. Others who are allergic to the dander will find that avoiding the hair isn’t enough as they are allergic to the dander caused by the skin of the animal. This will rule out individuals for French Bulldogs who are allergic to either the hair or the dander as they will not comfortable all the time even in their own home.
Managing Allergies and Shedding
Ways to reduce allergies can include extra bathing, and brushing. By bathing the dog regularly their skin will be cared for and there can be less dander production, along with helping their skin concerns. This will also remove any of the loose fur that is gathering and prevent it from shedding as much at home. Brushing the dog will also remove the hair that is close to falling out, remove any hair that is already loose, and help to maintain a healthy coat. If you have carpet rugs try to clean those more frequently to avoid hair buildup. Air purifiers can also be used to help remove potential allergens from the air.
Factors Affecting Shedding
Several things affect how much a particular French Bulldog will shed including the specific genetics of that dog. All dogs will shed more in the hot weather than in winter, and their undercoat will shed in the spring. Around the age of 6 months old, most French Bulldogs will begin to grow their adult hair and will start to lose the puppy fluff. As they lose all of the fluff at this time it will be a period of increased shedding and brushing may help to speed up this process. Visits to the groomer can make a big difference in how much they shed. Providing a healthy and well balanced diet will support a healthy coat that often will shed less.
Skin Care for French Bulldogs
Care for the skin of a French Bulldog is also a necessary focus as they are prone to skin problems. Unhealthy skin will only increase shedding. The extra skin folds that are present increase their risk of skin issues. This is an area to keep a close eye on. Clean between the folds of their skin often, and use products that will promote healthy skin and a healthy coat. This will not only prevent infection and discomfort but reduce the amount they shed as well.
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Supplements to Reduce Shedding
Supplements are also available for your French Bulldog to reduce the amount they shed. This can help promote healthy skin and add additional vitamins and nutrients to their diet. Contributing to their overall health and happiness. Some supplements focus on skin and hair which can greatly reduce the amount of shedding. Always seek the advice from a vet if your are unsure which supplement is right for your dog.
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Some supplement examples include-
Krill Oil Shed Free Soft Chews
While not all dogs shed, a French Bulldog will. Depending upon the type of dog within the breed, it may shed a lot, or it may shed a little. This will also vary depending on the time of year and the weather at the time. To prevent or reduce the amount your dog sheds try grooming regularly and provide a healthy diet. Enjoy the company of your fury friend without the extra dog hair.